There is a clown at the circus

There is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circus
There is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circus
There is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circusThere is a clown at the circus