Checking the device connection

Checking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connection
Checking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connection
Checking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connectionChecking the device connection