Change the direct speech to reported speech

Change the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speech
Change the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speech
Change the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speechChange the direct speech to reported speech